Sunday, March 31, 2019

Song for a Friend (Music)

A picture is worth a thousand words…and so is a melody. I’ve written music since I was five or six years old. I studied composition at university, but eventually dropped out of music school. But one thing I’ve found is that I can somehow express my deepest feelings with music where words would just fail me.

 Here's an instrumental track I wrote and recorded in my kitchen in 2009. This tune was written for my dear old friend, Kirk, who I’ve known for over 20 years. Kirk and I live less than an hour apart, but I swear it’s been ten years since we’ve seen each other in person, which just ain’t right…

Kirk and I usually send each other silly emails each Christmas. But I hadn't sent one the last two holidays because I was going through chemo each time. I finally decided to send that silly email, and like always, we were reconnected. Before I could tell him I had been diagnosed with incurable cancer, he told me his wife of many years had just died of cancer in the last year. Kirk is a curmudgeon and a grump old fart who is funny and a pleasure to be around. Even though it was an email, I could hear his heartbreak through the wires.


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